
Recent headlines and archived news articles regarding newsworthy events and announcements from the BENTE Union:


Watch the speeches BENTE Officers made at the 12/19/2024 BOE Meeting!

See below for the link to watch BENTE Officers speak to the RCSD Board of Education on the delay in our retro pay, among other issues.

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Temporary BENTE Gear Store Now Open!

See below for information on our BENTE Swag Store, open Nov 6, 2024-Nov 27, 2024!

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Sad News

Please see below for a message from BENTE's President, Angelo Palmerini.

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RCSD board takes moment of silence to honor retired union president who entered hospice

Please see below for News 10 coverage on our President Emeritus, Daniel DiClemente.

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End-of-Year Membership Picnic!

Please see the attached flyer for details regarding our June 2024 Membership Picnic!

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Rescheduled March Membership Meeting!

Due to a scheduling conflict, the March membership meeting date is changed.

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Rochester Labor Council Awards Dinner 2023

BENTE's President Emeritus, Daniel DiClemente, was honored at the Rochester Labor Council Annual Delegates Awards Dinner!

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December News from BENTE

Please see below for December happenings.

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December 2023 BENTE Union Update: Recruitment & Retention, Negotiations, Holiday Gifts

Please see below for updates from BENTE President Ange Palmerini.

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BJs Membership Discount for BENTE Members!

Please see below for information on how to sign up or renew your BJ's membership at a discount thanks to your union membership!

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Hispanic Heritage Celebration Day!

Free admission to the Memorial Art Gallery on Oct. 1, 2023. Registration required! Click for details!

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September 2023 BENTE Union Update: COVID, training, vehicle theft-damage

Please see below for updates from President Ange Palmerini.

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Union Update (7-7-2023): Vehicle damage or theft reimbursement; President introduction; President retirement celebration

Please see below for updates from BENTE President Angelo Palmerini.

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End of the Year Membership Picnic!

Please see below for information regarding our end of year picnic for BENTE members!

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Please see below for important news from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente

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BENTE Union Update (4-23-23) -- Safety and Security; In Memoriam; School Board Endorsements

See below for updates from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente.

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BENTE Union Update (3-29-23) -- General Updates

See below for updates from President Dan DiClemente.

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BENTE Union Update (3-14-23) -- General Updates

See below for updates from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente.

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Congratulations to President Daniel DiClemente!

Brother Dan, President of BENTE and AFSCME Council 66 is recognized for all of his hard work as one of The State Labor Power 100 (#48) in NYS! Congratulations to our tireless leader on this well-deserved recognition!

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Two BENTE Members Honored at City Council Meeting

News 10 piece on Deverin Dillon and Sandra Beasley being honored at City Council meeting for their quick actions responding to the shooting at the entrance of Franklin.

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Franklin school security officers honored for role after a shooting outside school

BENTE Brother Deverin Dillon and Sister Sandra Beasley talk about their experience with the shooting at the entrance to Franklin with 13WHAM.

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RCSD has a new Acting Superintendent

See below for an article from Spectrum news. Dr. Carmine Peluso is the Acting Superintendent for the RCSD.

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Democrat and Chronicle Article: Rochester school board wants Lesli Myers-Small out

See below for an article from the Democrat and Chronicle about Superintendent Leslie Myers-Small exiting the RCSD.

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BENTE Union Update (5-6-22)

See below for an update from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente.

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BENTE Union Update (2-17-22) -- General Updates

See below for updates from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente regarding topics such as retro pay and summer school staffing, among others

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BENTE Union Update (1-20-22) -- General Updates

See below for updates from President Daniel DiClemente on a variety of topics.

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BENTE Union Update (12-21-21) -- Retro Pay, Staffing, General Updates

See below for an update from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente.

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Virtual Retirement meeting Dec 8, 2021

See below for how to register for an online meeting if you are considering retirement.

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BENTE Union Update (11-3-21) -- Retro Pay, Hiring Incentives, Other Updates

See below for an update from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente.

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Incentives Offered for Current and Future RCSD Staff Members

See below for the recent media release from RCSD regarding financial incentives for BENTE members regarding recruitment and retention of employees in positions within our union.

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School Safety

See below for a letter to the RCSD Superintendent and Board of Education present, sent by the presidents of all four of the district's unions.

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BENTE Union Update (10-5-21) -- Raises, COVID-19 Information, Staffing Shortage, Union Updates

See below for an update from President Daniel DiClemente.

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Retirement Celebration

See the flier below for information about Judy Keysa's upcoming retirement.

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Update from President Daniel DiClemente: The Support Staff that Supports Students

Please see below for a recent email update from our union president, Dan DiClemente

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Why did the busing crisis in Rochester schools get so bad?

See below for an article from the Democrat and Chronicle on the bus driver shortage and some of the causes of the current busing crisis.

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BENTE Union Update (9-9-21) -- Retroactive Pay, COVID-19 Information, Staffing Shortage

See below for an update from President Daniel DiClemente

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Retirement savings information

See below for information about OMNI, the RCSD vendor for 403(b) retirement savings plans.

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Tight labor market and last year's lay-offs lead to shortages in various BENTE units

See below for an article from Spectrum news about the importance of BENTE staff to RCSD and the openings in various BENTE units.

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RCSD considering remote learning to start school year due to bus driver shortage

See below for an article from on the school bus driver shortage and how that may affect that start date and transportation for RCSD students.

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Despite worker shortage, RCSD aims to improve food service

See below for an article from the Rochester City Newspaper on the shortage of workers, BENTE food service workers, and their important role in feeding the students in the RCSD.

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BENTE Union Update (8-25-21) -- CBA Update, COVID-19 Information

See below for information on raises as a result of the new Collective Bargain Agreement as well as information on the RCSD COVID-19 vaccination and testing policies.

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BENTE Union Update (7-26-21)--Negotiations, BENTE Office Relocation

See below for updates from BENTE President Daniel DiClemente.

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BENTE Union Update (3-26-21)--Training Opportunities, Contract Negotiations, COVID Vaccine Release Time

Please see below for an update from Daniel DiClemente, BENTE President.

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Blood drive on March 31, 2021!

See below for a information about a blood drive in honor of Kailee Kwiecien.

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See below for information from President Daniel DiClemente regarding a vaccination opportunity for BENTE members on March 9 and 10, 2021.

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Lunch problems a result of RCSD laying off BENTE workers

See below for a News 10 WHEC story on the poor quality lunches RCSD students are receiving. The district's decision to lay off food service workers is largely responsible for the poor quality food our students are currently suffering with.

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School 29 closed to in-person learning for the rest of this week (2/25/21-2/26/21)

See the Spectrum News piece which references the death of a BENTE member and the temporary remote learning plan for School 29.

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Continued news coverage of no hot lunches at RCSD

See below for more news about the current problems with lunches in RCSD

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Passing of a BENTE Member

Please see below for obituary information for Marian Sosa.

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RCSD Students Eat Cold "Lunch" --BENTE Food Service Workers Have an IMPACT

See below for information on how the earlier lay-offs of Food Service workers are now impacting RCSD students. Some Food Service workers are being called back, but not enough.

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Rochester City School District recalls some employees laid off in the fall as schools reopen

Click below for a Democrat and Chronicle article regarding some employee recalls.

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Health and Safety Forum: Wednesday, February 3

See below for information on an upcoming COVID-19 Health and Safety forum, to be held Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

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Vaccine Information

Please see below for information about COVID-19 vaccines and where BENTE members fall in the NYS Governor's prioritization.

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Updates about the RCSD Plans for Hybrid and Remote Learning

See below for news coverage regarding the RCSD plans to move through the pandemic with hybrid and remote learning models.

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FREE Staff COVID-19 Testing

See below for information on free rapid testing for COVID-19 on THURSDAY, DEC 17!

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BENTE Union Update (12-14-20)

Please see below for an update from President Dan DiClemente.

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BENTE Continues to Support Laid-Off Members

See below for a WHEC 10 article on holiday gifts for laid-off workers.

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BENTE Union Update (11-5-20)

Please see below for updates from President Dan DiClemente regarding MANY topics, including BENTE's (and other RCSD unions') response to the RCSD's questionable math regarding the budget deficit

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BENTE Election Results

See below for results from the 9/22/2020 election for the office of BENTE President.

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Updates: Lay-offs and election for union president (9-21-2020)

See below for messages from President Dan DiClemente regarding projected lay-offs for BENTE members and this week's election for the office of BENTE president.

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Channel 10 WHEC News Story: Remote Learning and BENTE

See below for a news story on Superintendent Myers-Small's decision to go to remote learning only and its affects on BENTE.

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Stand United! Message from President Daniel DiClemente

See below for an update from President DiClemente regarding potential job cuts and lobbying efforts.

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Letter to Superintendent and Board of Education Regarding COVID and Effect on BENTE

Please see below for a message from President Daniel DiClemente and his letter to Superintendent Myers-Small and the RCSD Board of Education.

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UPDATE--COVID, Remote Learning, Effect on BENTE Members

See below for an update from President Daniel DiClemente regarding RCSD's recent announcement about fully remote learning and its effect on BENTE members.

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Update from President DiClemente (8-7-20) - DISTRICT REOPENING

See below for a communication from President Dan DiClemente regarding Gov. Cuomo's announcement about reopening schools this fall.

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Connections: How reopening schools would impact essential support staff

President Daniel DiClemente and several BENTE members were guests on "Connections with Evan Dawson," a local radio program on WXXI. Dan and our others members talked about how reopening schools during the COVID-19 pandemic affects us as support staff. Listen to the August 6, 2020, episode.

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Update from President DiClemente (7-30-20) - DISTRICT REOPENING PLAN

See below for an email from President Daniel DiClemente regarding the RCSD plan to reopen schools this fall in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Letter to RCSD Superintendent and Board of Education Regarding BENTE Members and COVID-19 Reopening Plan

See attached for the letter President Daniel DiClemente sent on behalf of BENTE members to Superintendent Myers-Small and the BOE.

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Update from President DiClemente (7-23-20)

President Dan DiClemente provides information regarding school reopenings and how COVID-19 will affect how BENTE members perform our duties. See below for details.

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Update from President DiClemente (6-29-20):

See below for President Daniel DiClemente's updates on displacements, grievances, and other topics.

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Update from President DiClemente (6-12-20): Displacements, Elections, End of Year, and Other Information (6-12-20)

See below for communication from President Daniel DiClemente regarding elections, displacements, and other updates.

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RCSD Support Group Zoom Meetings

See below for a message from Aneli Rivera-Nothnagle, Director, Employee Benefits, regarding a new support group set up by RCSD.

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Update from President DiClemente (5-26-20): Displacements, Elections, Budget, and Other Information

Please see below for a message from President Daniel DiClemente.

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Lesli Myers-Small begins her role as new Rochester superintendent

See the article from the Rochester City Newspaper on the new superintendent of the RCSD.

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Former Brockport leader Lesli Myers-Small to be named next RCSD superintendent

See the article from the Democrat and Chronicle regarding a new superintendent for the Rochester City School District.

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Update from President DiClemente (5-7-20): Budget, Year End, and Other Information

Please see below for a message from President Daniel DiClemente.

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RCSD Superintendent Terry Dade on Leave; Board of Education Focused on Budget

See below for an article from Spectrum news regarding Superintendent Dade and the upcoming budget decisions.

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RCSD Superintendent Terry Dade leaving district, accepts job in Hudson Valley area of NYS

See below for a link to an article from WROC 8 reporting that Terry Dade has accepted a superintendent job elsewhere in NYS.

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Superintendent Dade Seeks to Leave RCSD

See below for an article from WXXI regarding Superintendent Dade's future with the Rochester City School District.

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Update from President DiClemente (4-23-20): Superintendent Dade and Budget

Please see below for a communication from President Daniel DiClemente.

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Virtual Wellness Program!

Please click below for information regarding FREE 30-minute wellness classes for RCSD employees. Topics include: yoga, barre, toning, and core.

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Message from President DiClemente (4-8-2020)

Please see below for additional communication from President Daniel DiClemente.

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Message from President DiClemente

Please see the following updates from President Daniel DiClemente.

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2020-2021 School Calendar

See below for the 2020-2020-2021 school calendar.

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Superintendent Dade's Response to BENTE's Open Letter

Please see below for Superintendent Dade's response to President DiClemente's letter regarding the COVID-19 emergency.

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Open Letter to the Superintendent and the Board of Education from President Daniel DiClemente

See below for a letter from our President Daniel DiClemente re: COVID-19 and our members

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BENTE Update, Shutdown Info

See below for an update from President Daniel DiClemente regarding BENTE's communication with RCSD regarding the coronavirus/COVID-19 emergency and its impact on BENTE members, time entering, etc.

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CANCELED--March Membership and Executive Board Meetings

Meetings canceled because of the COVID-19 emergency.

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RCSD Closed, Staffing Update

Please see below for a very important communication from President Daniel DiClemente regarding reporting requirements for BENTE members during the coronavirus/COVID-19 RCSD emergency school closure.

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RCSD Begins to Plan for Coronavirus Response

Click below for WXXI piece on on RCSD response to the novel coronavirus.

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Coronavirus Update from AFSCME

Please click below to see a communication from AFSCME President Lee Saunders regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Retirement meeting in February

Reminder! This meeting is coming up this next week: flier from the Benefits Department regarding an upcoming retirement meeting, scheduled for February.

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RCSD: School restructuring decisions expected by end of month

See below for a 13WHAM story on potential closure of Schools No. 44 and 57, with a plan to turn them into pre-kindergarten buildings.

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4th Annual Visual Art Faculty Exhibit

Opening January 16, 2020, and continuing through early April, see the flier for details about this art exhibit!

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RCSD names new chief financial officer

Click below for information about RCSD's new Chief Financial Officer. He will begin in January 2020.

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Delayed RCSD budget report shows 'gross incompetence or a willful attempt to deceive'

See this Democrat and Chronicle article for more discussion of the current budget problems in RCSD.

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Are suburban and charter schools pushing special ed students to RCSD's door?

Democrat and Chronicle article discusses data that shows that students who leave charter school and suburban schools and enter the RCSD are more likely to be homeless or be students with disabilities.

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Connections: What is the best path forward for the Rochester City School District

Click the link below to listen to WXXI's radio program "Connections" and its discussion regarding the RCSD.

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RCSD Finance Chief Resigns

The district's Chief Financial Officer Everton Sewell resigned Tuesday as RCSD works to resolve its latest budgetary problems.

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Continued discussion on the current RCSD budget deficit and its causes.

According to City Newspaper and Eamonn Scanlon, education analyst at The Children's Agenda, "the district's spending paid for things it had to provide, but it didn't budget enough for them."

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More news on the latest budget problems for RCSD

Former superintendent Barbara Deane-Williams intended to push district finances to breaking point and force the state to increase funding as the crisis developed in plain sight over two budget seasons.

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See the attached flier for information regarding a retirement seminar September 18. Call the union office if you are planning to attend!

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Editorial from the Democrat and Chronicle Regarding State Take Over of RCSD

The D&C is sympathetic to state takeover and labels union contracts a “large obstacle to success.”

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CITY News profile of Terry Dade, new RCSD superintendent

See the article in CITY News about Terry Dad.

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Information regarding the 2019-2020 school year

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Dan's End of Year Updates

Click to read President Dan DiClemente's end-of-school-year communication:

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The weather isn't the best, but the picnic is ON!!!!!

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RCSD Names New Superintendent

The Rochester School Board announced on Tuesday that Terry Dade, currently an assistant superintendent for the Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia, will be the next city school district superintendent.

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School Board Names Finalists for Superintendent Position

Click the link below for an article about the 4 finalists for the RCSD Superintendent position. There will be public forums with the candidates on May 4 and 5.

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Discounts are a union benefit!

Did you know that as a BENTE member you also can get discounted movie tickets, car rentals, and other benefits? Click on the link below for more information, and register using AFSCME in the dropdown. Our local is 2419.

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RCSD needs major change, forum speakers say

City Newspaper reports on a community forum that was held on March 30, 2019.

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Register for Tele-medicine and enter for a chance to win a gift card.

See the announcement for details on how to register for tele-medicine and enter for a chance to win a gift card.

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February Question #2!

Click here for a Fabulous February Contest question!

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Statement from Bill Slocum, President of AFSCME Local 1635 regarding RHA

Click the link to read a statement from Bill Slocum, President of AFSCME Local 1635.

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February Question #1!

Click here for a Fabulous February Contest question!

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Night Shift Pizza Parties and February giveaways!

Every week in January, random schools were selected in order to honor the custodial night staff.  This year’s winners were at #28, #33, #3, and #57 Schools.  Stay tuned for Website Wednesdays in February, where a question will be posted on the BENTE website from a story during the week.  The first person to call the BENTE office with the answer will be awarded a $25 gift card.

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New Union Membership Data Reveal Anti-Worker Assault Is Failing

Despite a multi-million-dollar, decades-long war waged by special interests on public sector workers’ right to join together for a better life, official statistics show 2018 public sector unions like BENTE are holding strong! See the article for more information.

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Retirement Planning Meeting!

In February, the Benefits Department will be hosting a meeting to educate employees about the retirement process. See the flier for more information.

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Skepticism Regarding RCSD Response to Distinguished Educator Report

The recurring question during the RCSD forum: what is the state Education Department going to do once the school board and district fail?

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Union Dues Can Now Be Deducted From State Income Taxes

See this document regarding deducting union dues from state income taxes.

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Tensions, challenges rising on Rochester school board

The board elected Van White as president for the fifth consecutive year, and Cynthia Elliott was elected vice president, a position she also held in 2017. In both cases, the four senior members voted for White and Elliott, two of the newest members voted against them, and the third new member abstained.

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Van White reelected school board president

White reelected school board president amid serious tensions

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Public meeting set on Rochester school district's problems

The meeting will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 10, at Wilson Foundation Academy, 200 Genesee Street.

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Proposed cuts for RCSD budget gap signal painful choices ahead

Click link for more information.

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Final Turkey Tuesday!

The last winners in our holiday giveaway event!

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The city school district must change, state commissioner says

State Education Commissioner's Response to Distinguished Educator Report

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Rochester parents: we'd be more engaged, if we could

City Discussion Forum and Challenges to parent engagement

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Turkey Tuesday Winners--#6

Congratulations to the winners on our sixth Turkey Tuesday!

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Lowengard returns as interim superintendent for Rochester district in Feb. 2019.

Daniel Lowengard, the interim superintendent who led city schools following the departure of former superintendent Bolgen Vargas, is returning to the district for a second time as interim.

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Mayor Warren seeks public's comments on Rochester school district.

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren is planning a series of meetings seeking the public's opinion about the Rochester school district.

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Turkey Tuesday Winners--#5

Congratulations to the winners on our fifth Turkey Tuesday!

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The search begins for a new superintendent

See the City Newspaper article for information about the RCSD search for a new superintendent.

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City Newspaper article discussing Distinguished Educator's report on RCSD.

See this article for an analysis of Jaime Aquino's assessment of the Rochester school district.

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Turkey Tuesday Winners--#4

Congratulations to the winners on our fourth Turkey Tuesday!

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Turkey Tuesday Winners--#3

Congratulations to the winners on our third Turkey Tuesday!

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Turkey Tuesday Winners--#2

Congratulations to the winners on our second Turkey Tuesday!

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Health Care Plan Information

See the link for details on health care plans and rates.

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Turkey Tuesday Winners--#1

Congratulations to the winners on our first Turkey Tuesday!

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Introducing Turkey Tuesday!

BENTE members have a chance to win a free turkey during the month of November! Click for details!

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CURE Holiday Party 2018!

The BENTE CURE Holiday Party will be held Tuesday, December 11, 2018. Please see the flier for more information about how you can be a part of this special event!

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NexGen EAP Fall Newsletters (English and Spanish)

See the September (English) and October (Spanish) NexGen EAP newsletters to help establish and continue well-being and healthy habits.

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RCSD Superintendent Retiring in January

Barbara Deane-Williams announces her retirement. See Democrat and Chronicle article for details.

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Get Your Bash Tickets Now!

DJ Ron Johnson will headline the bash this year! If you haven't reserved your ticket, the deadline is fast approaching! Call or stop by the office to purchase your ticket by Monday October 22nd. $10 deposit for members (will be returned to you at the door), $25.00 for guest.

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Union Day of Action!

Join the AFSCME campaign on October 13th for a Union Day of action.

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Kick it Kailee! A benefit for the Kwiecien family!

Please see the attached flyer regarding details for this upcoming fundraiser on September 15th.

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Labor Day Parade / Sea Breeze Tickets

Please join us by marching in the Labor Day Parade this Monday September 3rd! Sea Breeze tickets will be available for marchers at half price! (6 max)

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Statement of New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento on Executive Order to Protect Personal Information of Public Employees

Governor Cuomo signed an executive order that will preserve the safety and privacy of public employees by ensuring the protection of their personal information.

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Unions remain strong despite US Supreme Court siding with corporations over working people.

Unions remain strong despite US Supreme Court siding with corporations over working people. President Dan DiClemente emphasizes the need for strong unions now more than ever in his attached statement.

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The Passing of Weezy Landry's Mother

It is with great sadness that we announce that Weezy Landry's mother has passed away. Please think of her and her family during this difficult time.

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Employee Wellness Night at the Seneca Park Zoo!

The RCSD will be holding an Employee Wellness Night at the Seneca Park Zoo on Sunday June 10th from 5:30 - 8:30. Email Benefits with the subject line "zoo" to reserve up to 5 tickets for your family!

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Happy Birthday Betty Franklin!

Betty Franklin, a FSH at #3 school, celebrated her 90th birthday last week!

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Paid Time Off for Cancer Screenings

Effective March 18th a change to Civil Service regulation pertaining to paid time off for cancer screenings.

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RCSD Employee Family Skate Night!

Join other RCSD employees and their families for skate night at Horizon Fun FX on March 4th from 5-7pm. Space is Limited so reserve your tickets now!

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Upcoming Retirement Meeting

Thinking about Retiring? The Benefits Department will be hosting a retirement meeting on 2/15 at Wilson Foundation.

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President DiClemente and Council 66 win a seat on the AFSCME Executive Board

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Moment of Silence Held in Remembrance of Memphis Sanitation Workers Killed in 1968.

The City observed a nationwide moment of silence on Thursday February 1st to honor Echol Cole and Robert Walker, two sanitation workers from Memphis TN, who were tragically killed by the compactor of their garbage truck. Their deaths led to a strike that brought Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Tennessee to support the cause.

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Contract Books Being Delivered to Schools

The new contract books have been printed and labeled. They are being delivered to schools on a daily basis. Look for yours soon.

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BENTE and Council 66 sponsor Annual CURE holiday party at SOTA.

On Wednesday night, families from the Childhood Cancer Association gathered at School of the Arts for a fun filled evening, which was sponsored by BENTE and Council 66.

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BENTE Local 2419 is now on Facebook!

You can now follow BENTE news updates on our Facebook Page: BENTE Local 2419

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Today is the Day To Vote NO on the Constitutional Convention!

Please be sure you get out and vote today. Be sure to vote NO to a Constitutional Convention!!

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President DiClemente will read HEROES at Barnes and Noble to benefit Imagine Me Community Outreach

On November 5th at 11:00 AM, President DiClemente will be at the Pittsford Barnes and Noble reading Commissioner Van White's Children's book HEROES.

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Additional Vacation time for 10 to 12 month employees will be loaded within 2 weeks

The new contract states that any employee who was a 10 month employee and has moved to a 12 month employee will be granted vacation time based on the start date of their 10 month appointment. this should be added to your vacation time within the next two weeks. If you do not receive your correct time after two weeks, please contact President DiClemente directly at: or 458-8670.

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BENTE Bash Tickets on Sale Now!

Get your BENTE Bash tickets before October 18th to receive a discounted price! Don't miss out on this fun filled night of food, drinks, dancing, and raffle prizes!

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Labor Day Parade/Sea Breeze

The Labor Day Parade is Monday September 4th. For those who are interested in marching, BENTE will be lining up on North Union Street between (East Ave and Charlotte St.). You can also park at the Service Center (835 Hudson Avenue) and take the bus.

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Summer Meals "On Wheels" for Kids in the City of Rochester

FoodLink and the Rochester City School District are taking the summer meals program on the road in hopes to fill the gap in between where the children could access meals. Check the local listing for times and locations.

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Blood Drive

There will be a blood Drive for the American Red Cross held at CO on July 26th

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Wilson Magnet Assistant Custodian's Daughter is Valedictorian - Again!

BENTE member Jamal Abdullahi's two daughters have graduated at the top of the class at Wilson Magnet High School, where he is the Assistant Custodian.

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Contract Passed!

The Contract was voted on and passed 268 - 3

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Upcoming Events!

BENTE has some great events planned that you wont want to miss!

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BENTE Contract Has Been Settled

Our Contract has been settled and we have reached a tentative agreement. The members of BENTE/AFSCME Local 2419 will now need to ratify it.

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Jobs, Education, and Living Wage Debated at Rochester Mayoral Candidates Forum

Council 66 union affiliates, including BENTE local 2419, hosted a Mayoral Candidates Forum at East High School on Thursday evening.

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**Location Change** for the Retirement Meeting on June 1st

The retirement meeting being held on June 1st has a new location. It will be held at Wilson HS.

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A Message From President DiClemente

Although President DiClemente has been appointed as President of AFSCME Council 66, he will continue to serve as President of BENTE local 2419.

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Union Officers Run Unopposed

All Union Officers up for election ran unopposed at last nights General Membership Meeting.

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Free College Benefit Through AFSCME

We are excited to announce a new AFSCME benefit available to you and your family: a free associate degree from Eastern Gateway Community College.

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Retirement Meeting June 1st

Benefits will be holding a retirement meeting on June 1st from 3:30-6 pm at Central Office.

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2016-2017 BENTE Student Scholarship

BENTE will award two $500 scholarships to two Rochester City School students in an effort to help them purchase books for college.

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Negotiations Continue

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CURE 5K Run & Fun Walk

Join CURE for their 5K run and walk on Saturday April 29th. 8:30am at the Lower Seneca Park.

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403(b) Universal Availability Notice

Save for retirement by participating in a 403(b) retirement plan.

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Data, Dialog, and Donuts Event this Saturday

The District will be holding a Data, Dialog, and Donuts event this Saturday April 1st at Central Office from 10:00am-12 noon. The event provides an initial opportunity for District staff to share the progress of the District’s Comprehensive Improvement Plan goals that guide our work across the district.

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SOTA looking for Dresses for Prom

Do you have a prom or bridesmaid dress hanging in a closet at home that will never be worn again? With prom season upon us, the staff at School of the Arts is looking for donated dresses, shoes, evening purses or jewelry for our less fortunate seniors.

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Budget and Negotiation Meetings Continue Between BENTE and the RCSD

President DiClemente will meet with the Superintendent this afternoon regarding the budget, and negotiations continue in early April.

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BENTE Mourns the Loss of Bill Griffo

BENTE members are mourning the loss of Bill Griffo, Copy Finisher at the RCSD’s Print Shop, who died of a sudden heart attack on Tuesday morning . Bill started with the RCSD on October 20, 1986.

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Negotiations Continue between RCSD and BENTE

The 4th negotiations meeting between BENTE and the RCSD will be held today.

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March Membership Meeting Canceled

March 15th membership meeting has been canceled

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RCSD Communication Director Leaves District

Chip Partner, the Director of Communications, will be leaving the district this month

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New Healthy Rewards from Excellus

Excellus has rolled out a new Healthy Rewards plan, and have provided tutorials to get you started.

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Negotiations Begin This Week

President Dan DiClemente and Vice President Larry Profetta met with the District last week to set the ground rules for upcoming contract negotiations. The first full team session will take place on Wednesday, January 25th at the BENTE Union Office at noon.

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FAQs About New Dental Plan

Beginning January 1, 2017, our dental insurance has switched from HEG to Excellus.

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New Dental Insurance beginning January 1st

The RCSD will be switching to Excellus for dental insurance beginning January 1, 2017

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CURE thanks BENTE for over 25 years of support

The CURE foundation names BENTE during their #thankfulthursday for their part in planning the annual CURE party.

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End of Year Payroll Dates

Payroll has important deadline reminders for the end of the year regarding time entry cut off and out of cycle checks.

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CURE Party Gifts and Donations

Donations for Cure Party Due December 2nd

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Important Updates From President DiClemente

President DiClemente sent an email this morning with important updates regarding holiday pay, the upcoming membership meeting, negotiations, and the annual CURE party.

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BENTE Day is Friday November 4th!

Enter for your chance to win!

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Election Polling in Schools

23 Rochester City School District Schools will be polling sites for the upcoming election. Some parents have voiced concerns, due to the contentious nature of the election.

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Employee Assisted Housing Incentive

RCSD will provide grants for employees to use towards a down payment and/or closing costs for the purchase of a home.

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BENTE Annual CURE Party

CURE Party will be held December 14th

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BENTE Bash Discount Ticket Price extended through Friday!

Tickers $10 per member and $25 per couple if you purchase by Friday October 14th.

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Four RCSD Persistently Struggling Schools Making Improvements

The State Education Department has deemed Lower and Upper East, Monroe, and School #9 improving schools.

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BENTE Officers Kick Off School Tour

Monday October 3rd was the first stop on the Too Cool for School Tour

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BENTE Day Friday October 7th

Enter for your chance to win!

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Former BENTE Website Coordinator Passes Away

Vivian Lombardo, former BENTE member and website coordinator, passed away on September 11, 2016. Attached is a letter that BENTE president Dan DiClemente wrote after her passing.

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403(b) Universal Availability Notice

Did you know you have the opportunity to save for retirement by participating in the RCSD 403(b) retirement plan?

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Rochester City School District goes on 'attendance blitz'

"The tough message is really a message of giving information to family and parents and helping support them to support their children," says Deane-Williams. "That is done through outreach."

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Despite promises, politics creeps into schools overhaul project

It was supposed to be immune to politics — precisely so it wouldn’t risk getting bogged down with disagreements and delays.

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Rochester City School District Superintendent tours Edison campus

Superintendent Barbara Deane-Williams is making the rounds, learning from administrators and students about what's working – and what isn’t.

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RCSD finds elevated lead in at least 11 percent of water sources

Taps or faucets that are deemed unsafe will be taken offline or replaced. Drinking water was distributed to a number of buildings that were hosting summer school.

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SUNY Geneseo may take control of School 19

The State Education Department must approve the partnership application and authorize the grant, but White says that he is confident that the agreement will receive approval.

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The Rochester City school board unanimously appointed former Greece superintendent Barbara Deane-Williams as the next superintendent of schools on Monday, making her the first permanent female leader in the district's history.

"My observation is that she's been straight-forward, open-minded and collaborative, and that's what I hope she brings here,"... "I think this probably bodes well for Rochester."

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RCSD superintendent survey gets few parent participants

The board had expected to be finished with its search by now, ...

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Assembly passes schools modernization aid bill

More to the point, Morelle said, the issue at hand was the second phase of work. He said the bill would not cost taxpayers any additional money and in fact would save money. With a larger pool of aid available, schools could be fully renovated in one fell swoop.

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Rochester City Council Approves The Budget

Council also votes on the budget for the Rochester City School District , and that budget was approved 8 to 1, with Councilwoman Carolee Conklin the only 'no' vote on the school budget.

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RCSD board approves new code of conduct

It was developed by a task force on school climate that included district staff, students and community members.

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Debating the merits of a military school

This important debate continues.. "attracting strong supporters and vocal critics."

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RCSD Superintendent finalists to stay secret

"It whittled down the pool of applicants last week. Interviews start today."

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Pittsford, city schools won't start earlier

"...the district explained.."

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Rochester school district aims for connected city.

"'s a basic necessity for students."

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Study shows interest in RCSD military academy

Feasibility study indicates interest and community discussion continues....

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It's Time to Enroll in Summer Learning!

Attention Parents: Check out offerings and deadlines for RCSD Summer Programs for your child.

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REMINDER: BENTE Scholarship application deadline is fast approaching!

Application must be handed in to the BENTE office by Friday, April 29, 2016.

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Please find the 2015-16 BENTE Scholarship Forms under Forms in our Information Section

Submitted applications must be received by the BENTE office no later than April 29, 2016.

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CURE'S 7th Annual 5K and Fun Walk
April 30th, 2016

To get information and participate in this worthy annual fundraising event for local families coping with childhood cancer, please go to our Services Section, and click on the CURE link under Special Events.

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Few changes in RCSD budget proposal

"I already know we're going to get beat up pretty bad by the community,......... we don't seem to be performing like we should."

Mark your calendars for the 2nd public hearing on the proposed 2016-17 RCSD budget
*** April 14, 2016 6:30 p.m. Conference Room 3A-3B***

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School Board seeks community input on superintendent search

Use the survey to be heard on such an important decision!

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Vargas' deputies got three months' severance

"The district could not say Monday how much it anticipates that benefit will cost in 2016-17 or beyond."

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Community Input Wanted on Military Academy

Attention Parents: A chance to use your voice!

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Superintendent Search Firm Selected

The search is on...

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RCSD Exploring Military Options

More on the subject..

Tim Louis Macaluso, Rochester City Newspaper, shares views on how students could benefit from this alternative and what it could mean to the RCSD.

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Applications for Custodial, Food Service, Maintenance Mechanic and School Sentry positions can now be printed from our website. Please access these applications under Forms in the Information Section.

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Public Funding, Little Oversight

A recent report by the National Education Policy Center on the business model behind charter schools found that “a substantial share of public expenditure intended for the delivery of direct educational services to children is being extracted inadvertently or intentionally for personal or business financial gain.”

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Health Crisis Forces Lowengard out as RCSD Interim Superintendent

"As much as Dan wants to return as our Interim Superintendent, he is resigning from that role to focus on family and the job of getting better."

Read more of the City Newspaper article along with Van White's letter to RCSD staff in its entirety.

We wish Dan Lowengard continued success with his positive prognosis and BENTE welcomes Linda Cimusz, who will now be serving as our Interim Superintendent.

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Cuomo restarts the fight for $15

"Approximately 380 support staff, including custodial and food service workers, are paid less than $15 an hour in the Rochester City School District, says Dan DiClemente, president of BENTE AFSCME Local 2419."

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Van White:Proposed Military Acadamy is part of innovative approach the RCSD needs.

Board president Van White not only opposes closing more city schools, he’s advocating opening new ones.

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RCSD Interim Superintendent Hospitalized After Collapse

Interim Superintendent Lowengard is in our thoughts.

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Lowengard begins as Rochester schools superintendent

"The biggest priority is in the classroom,.."

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CURE Christmas Party 2015 on Youtube!

Thank you to all that helped make these children smile and enjoy this festive event.

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Three RCSD leaders to depart with Vargas

"In their leaving, my sincerest hope is those of us who remain will see that change happen, and I believe it will."

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Member discount tickets and fun photos!

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An Emotional Lesson on School Safety, Rochester Teachers Voice Safety Concerns

"Meanwhile, educators want more action and less talk."

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Unions Fighting Active Employee Health Care Rates

All four unions are fighting Chief Financial Officer Bill Ansbrow's....

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Officers Poke Fun at CFO Ansbrow

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Please be on the look-out for ..

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Cala: 'I would consider' RCSD superintendent job

RCSD knows his capabilities of helping our children.

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Bolgen Vargas to resign as Superintendent of Rochester City School District

"now is the right time to step aside because the district needs stability."

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Common Core survey seeks specific criticism

An opportunity for parents to use their voice!

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RCSD, city announce plan for 'Beacon School'

"-the next generation of community school,"

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Proposal: Punish Parents for students' truancy

Will this solve the problem?

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RCSD looks to provide free city-wide wi-fi

Working to improve student needs

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RCSD to receive funds to expand Pre-K

Good news for our community.

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BENTE endorsed candidates win School Board primary

Candidates for School Board Mary Adams, Malik Evans, Liz Hallmark, and Willa Powell all won last night in the Democratic primary. BENTE endorsed all four candidates.

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RTA files grievance against Elliot

School Board Vice President Cynthia Elliot has been accused of verbally abusing teachers with expletives.

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New edition of the BENTE Informer

The first edition of the fourteenth season of the BENTE Informer has been released and is currently in the process of being delivered to work locations throughout the District.

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Excellus Cyber Attack

Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield hacked. More than 10 million affected.

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Pressure is on for U of R to fix East

Will the UR succeed? Does it have a winning formula to turn around failing urban schools around?

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Brizard could be next Buffalo superintendent

What is Buffalo thinking? "the RTA voted no confidence in him and the Chicago Teachers went on strike for the first time in 25 years..."

Read more in the D & C article by clicking link below:

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UR takeover of East nears

"Every student will be part of a small families group made up of about 10 kids, .. "

Click link below to City Newspaper article and read more of how the Superintendent of East, Steve Uebbing, hopes to turn around and reinvent East High:

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Obama Rejects NLRB Restrictions

"One of the freedoms of folks here in the United States, is that if they choose to join a union, they should be able to do so."

Click on link below to the article and read more of what President Obama had to say about these federal rules along with his praise for unions in our country.

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CURE 5K Run & Fun Walk


Click link below to see flyer and read more about this important event. Learn how you can join our brother Bob Kwiecien in helping children and families in our community fight this horrible disease:

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AFSCME President Saunders: The Nation Deserves an Apology, Scott Walker

We're not going to stand by and let Scott Walker..

Read more of what President Saunders had to say in the article by clicking on link below:

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Cala blasts Cuomo's education agenda

Cuomo's ideas are "an all-out assault on public education, teachers, children,..."

Read more on what this renowned educator had to say in the D & C article by clicking link below:

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Happiness Is...Joining a Union!

So many benefits of membership.....

Read more at by clicking link below:

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Budget gaffe leaves RCSD short of $4.4 million

A lapse in attention during the 2014-15 budget season...

Learn more about the District's fiscal fumble by clicking link below to D & C article:

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City School District gets integration funding

The Rochester School District is in line to receive....

Click on link below to read more in the D & C article on recent plans to improve student performance.

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School choice underway in Rochester

School Selection process now open for the 2015-16 school year.

Read more in the D & C article, along with access to district's website, by clicking on link below.

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$199 million deficit for RCSD in 2020-’21?

See the article from News 8. BENTE and other RCSD unions challenge the Superintendent Myers-Small and Acting CFO Pierce on the projected deficit for this school year.

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D&C Article: RCSD's budget gap is big - but how big?

See below for an article from the Democrat and Chronicle. Reporter Justin Murphy discusses the different ways the district labels it debts and the timelines by which they need to be addressed, as well as the choices the district faces, and how those choices may impact students and staff.

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BENTE continues to fight for its workers and our jobs

See below for coverage from various news outlets about recent job cuts and how BENTE continues to advocate for it members.

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Update from President DiClemente (10-20-20) - RE: Recent Lay-offs and Future Concerns

See below for a communication from President Dan DiClemente regarding the recent lay-offs of members and communication from the RCSD.

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Layoffs for More Than 200 RCSD Support Staff Begin This Week

See below for a news piece from Spectrum News regarding 200+ BENTE members losing their jobs this week. Don't forget the rally Thursday, October 15!

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School board votes to approve layoffs of 221 BENTE Members

See below for news coverage of the recent lay-off of BENTE members.

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Lay-offs - BENTE Union Update 9-25-2020

See below for an update from President Dan DiClemente regarding the upcoming lay-offs and the work our union continues to do to fight for our jobs.

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Press Release from BENTE RE: Job Cuts

See below for the press release from BENTE regarding the recent job cuts of some of our members.

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RTA in Solidarity with BENTE

See below for an article from Spectrum News in which RTA President Adam Urbanski urges the RCSD Board of Education to reject the cuts to BENTE workers proposed by Superintendent Leslie Myers-Small.

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221 non-teaching RCSD employees receive layoff notices

We all stand in solidarity with our members who received lay-off notices this week. BENTE will continue to fight for all our jobs and fair treatment and respect for our workers!

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Multiple news articles about impending lay-offs for BENTE members

See below for news stories regarding members facing lay-offs.

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Union members say RCSD reopening plans could be tweaked to save jobs

See below for an article from WXXI news regarding BENTE's proposal to the RCSD to best utilize union members during the COIVD-19 pandemic and help save member jobs.

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President Dan DiClemente on the Bob Lonsberry Show

See below for a link to listen to President DiClemente advocate for BENTE members and the importance of our role in the RCSD.

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Essential Then, Essential Now

Please see below for a proposal that was recently submitted to the RCSD Superintendent and BOE re: BENTE's work roles during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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RCSD Unions Speak with One Voice

See the attached letter to the RCSD Superintendent and Board of Education from the Presidents of BENTE, RAP, RTA, and ASAR, advocating for prudence and caution in staffing decisions, rather than hastily making job cuts.

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BENTE Wants RCSD to Wait on More Cuts

See below for a news report from Spectrum News, where President Daniel DiClemente makes the argument that the RCSD should not rush to make job cuts.

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Channel 13 WHAM News Story on Potential Cuts

See below for a news story on potential 20% cuts across the board at RCSD as a result of funding crises during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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RCSD says it will slash budget by 20% as New York holds back state aid

See below for an article from the Democrat and Article regarding recent communication from the RCSD Superintendent regarding job cuts.

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Union leaders call RCSD proposed budget reductions catastrophic

See below for a news report from Channel 8, RochesterFirst, regarding a plan to cut 20% of the RCSD budget.

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Update from President DiClemente (4-28-20): Budget and Other Information

See below for information regarding the amended proposed budget for 2020-2021 and other information.

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Budget and Other Updates from President DiClemente (4-14-2020)

Please see below for the latest communication from President Daniel DiClemente regarding the 2020-2021 RCSD budget and information regarding the effect of COVID-19 on BENTE and labor events.

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Superintendent's Proposed Budget

Please see below for an update from President Daniel DiClemente regarding Superintendent Dade's proposed budget for the 2020-2021 school year.

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Budget Update

See below for information from President Daniel DiClemente regarding the latest on the 2020-2021 RCSD budget.

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New RCSD budget expected Tuesday; coronavirus closings may cut costs

See below for a Democrat and Chronicle article on the coronavirus effects on the RCSD budget.

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Without state aid, RCSD superintendent says 800 layoffs are possible by school year's end

See the 13WHAM news story on potential reductions in staff based upon the current budget crisis.

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Assemblyman David Gantt backs $35M bailout of RCSD, with conditions

Click the link below to read a Democrat and Chronicle article about possible state aid to help with the current RCSD budget crisis.

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State auditors warn that RCSD budget is still $40 million short

See below for a piece from City Newspaper: NYS Comptroller’s Office warned Thursday that the district is on track to finish the academic year with a $40.5 million deficit.

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposes financial and academic monitor for RCSD

See below the Democrat and Chronicle article that discusses Gov. Cuomo's proposal for a state monitor for the RCSD.

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Why do education advocates say the state owes RCSD $86 million?

See the City Newspaper article below for information regarding monies owed to the RCSD from NYS

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RCSD superintendent 'confident' state will help with deficit

See below for a news piece from WHAM13 regarding comments from Superintendent Dade after his recent trip to Albany.

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RCSD votes to cut teachers & staff

Click the link below to read the RochesterFirst news article about the RCSD budget vote on 12/19 and the subsequent job cuts.

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Bernie Sanders Tweets about RCSD Budget Crisis

See the article below for Sanders' tweet and reactions to it.

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D & C Article: RCSD teacher and staff layoffs: Here's what we know now

Dec 9, 2019, article with the latest information regarding RCSD mid-year staffing cuts.

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RCSD layoff plan: 152 teachers, 32 non-teachers, 12 administrators and more

Below is a News 8 staff story on the recent numbers regarding mid-year lay-offs in the RCSD.

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RCSD staff to receive layoff notifications next week

Five percent of teachers and staff at the Rochester City School District will be laid off in the coming weeks.

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Connections: Members of the Rochester City School Board discuss the district's financial problems

The XXI radio program, Connections, hosts several members of the school board in a discussion of the financial state of the RCSD.

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Government Officials React to Superintendent Dade's 11/14/2019 Proposal to Address Budget Shortfall

See below for comments from Mayor Warren and NYS legislators regarding Superintendent Dade's recent presentation.

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RCSD officials planning to reduce staff by 5% to cut costs after 'budget crisis'

WHEC News 10 Report on November 12, 2019 meeting where plans to reduce budget deficit were discussed.

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President Dan DiClemente's Communication about Superintendent Dade's November 12, 2019 Presentation on the Current Budget Crisis

Click below to read BENTE President Dan DiClemente's communication regarding proposed solutions to address the current budget crisis and their affect on BENTE members.

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Opportunity to provide input regarding the budget shortfall

Please click the link for a story from 10WHEC about the budget deficit and Superintendent Dade's response. An email address has been created so the community can provide input.

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D & C Article: RCSD Ignored Its Own Analysts, Creating Insurance Budget Deficit

The Democrat and Chronicle article details the questionable RCSD decisions in ignoring its own analysts and under-budgeting for the health and dental insurance fund.

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A message from President Dan DiClemente Regarding the 2019-2020 Budget

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Video of April 11, 2019 Board of Education Meeting

Members of the RCSD community, including BENTE members, had an opportunity to talk about what the budget cuts mean for their positions.  Home school assistants in particular shared the many ways they impact the lives of students every day.

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BOE Meeting News Coverage-WHEC10

Please click to see the new coverage as BENTE members and others shared what the RCSD 2019-2020 proposed budget could mean for our children and the support we provide to them.

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BOE Meeting News Coverage-Channel 8

BENTE members attended the April 11, 2019, to support Home School Assistants. Home School Assistants play an IMPORTANT and VALUABLE role helping our students succeed!

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BOE Meeting News Coverage-WHAM13

Home School Assistants, BENTE members, were one of the important voices heard at the April 11, 2019, Board of Education meeting, where RCSD constituents talked about the negative impact the proposed budget will have on our students.

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Membership meeting moved!

Please see for information regarding BENTE's response to the budget proposal and the change of date and location for our membership meeting.

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Information from RCSD regarding budget

This link contains information from the Rochester City School District regarding budget presentations and a draft budget for the 2019-2020 school year.

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RCSD 2019-202 Budget Information

This article from Rochester City Newspaper discusses the challenges of budgeting and the differences from one year to the next.

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RCSD modernization beset by overruns, shifting priorities

WATCHDOG EXCLUSIVE: Big project, big money, big problems

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BENTE Members to Speak Out Against Cuts

BENTE members will look to bring their concerns to the Board of Education at the second and last Public Hearing on the Budget Tuesday evening at the District's Central Office.
The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. and members are encouraged to arrive no later than 5:30 p.m. Those who attend will receive a BENTE tee shirt and a sign to hold up in the meeting room.
The meeting will not last more than an hour, as a half dozen speakers, including BENTE President Dan DiClemente, are scheduled to speak on behalf of the workers facing layoffs.

All members are encouraged to attend in a show of solidarity.

For more, please click on the story, which aired on channel 8:

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DiClemente Says the District is Misportraying Budget

"I have looked through the budget and have no doubt that the majority of the cuts to support staff will be layoffs..."

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Health Insurance

Updated Information Regarding Upcoming RCSD Wellness Programs

See below for information regarding the RCSD Wellness Virtual Fair

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Healthy Community-Telemedicine

This is a benefit feature added to your Excellus BCBS medical plan. It provides 24/7/365 on-demand access to U.S. board certified doctors and pediatricians—anytime, anywhere within the USA.

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Open Enrollment and New Dental

The District sent out a reminder that open enrollment takes place throughout November. Also, details on dental insurance changes beginning January 1, 2017

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Gains Made in Dental and Health Insurance

The RCSD will be switching to Excellus for Dental Insurance

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Health Care - Our Objective

The union's goals and objectives with regard to the process...

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Health Care Benefits Enhanced

The four unions representing over 6,000 employees in the Rochester City School District...

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Health Care Process

The Health Care Committee examined and compared each individual benefit...

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The Reasons For Excellus

There were quite a few reasons that the Health Care Committee decided...

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Please see below for information regarding our upcoming Aug. 20 ratification vote as well as marching in the Labor Day parade.

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We want to hear from you! Please see below for the member survey regarding upcoming contract negotiations.

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Contract ratified by BENTE members and approved by RCSD

Members voted in favor of the contract on August 9, 2021, and the RCSD announced the agreement the next day.

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Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached!

See below for a letter from President Daniel DiClemente.

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BENTE Union Update (6-7-21)--Negotiations, Budget, Condolences, Juneteenth, BENTE endorsements

Please see below for an update from Daniel DiClemente, BENTE President.

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Board, Members Ratify Contract

The BENTE Membership ratified the contract yesterday...

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Voting Today

Members will be able to vote on the new Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement...

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Political Action


Please call the BENTE office and come to the December 19, 2024 Board of Ed meeting on Broad Street! Our presence will show the Board and RCSD that we deserve to be paid what is owed to us!

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Message from President DiClemente re: October 15 rally!

See below for more information about the RCSD going back again on its word to our members and the upcoming rally in support of our laid off food service workers and security staff. The RCSD is continuing its attacks on our members, and we will not stand by without a fight.

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Email the members of the RCSD Board of Education TODAY!!!

See below for a communication from President Daniel DiClemente and a resolution from our union regarding the lay-offs of some of our members by Superintendent Leslie Myers-Small.

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RESCHEDULED! Do the Right Thing Rally!

Due to severe weather, the rally is rescheduled to FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2020!

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Do the Right Thing Rally for Support Staff!

See below for information regarding a rally to be held THIS THURSDAY, August 27, to show how important BENTE jobs are to RCSD and our community. Also included is start date information for 10-month employees by unit.

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Black Lives Matter in Labor

See flier for information on a rally Saturday, July 6, 2020.

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Black Lives Matter to Labor Rally!

See the attachment for information regarding a July 11, 2020, rally: Black Lives Matter in Labor!

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A Workers' Memorial Message from President DiClemente

Please see below for a message from President Daniel DiClemente regarding Workers' Memorial Day.

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Support our fellow union brothers and sisters! Rally with Striking UAW Workers!

See below for a rally Wednesday, October 2, at 6pm, at Driving Park and Mt. Read Blvd. We support our fellow union members in their fight for a fair contract. Together we stand!

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AFSCME Council 66’s new “Get Out the Vote” ad for Rochester

AFSCME Council 66’s new “Get Out the Vote” ad for Rochester was just published. Video by Ryan Griffith, BENTE Member. Check it out!

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Labor Leaders Win Strong Fair-Trade Platform Language

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As Union Membership has fallen, the top 10 percent have been getting a larger share of income

EPI independent study confirms what we, at BENTE/AFSCME Local 2419, have always known! Living standards improve when working people stand together!

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May is a month to keep labor history alive

"The working conditions that we enjoy today didn’t simply materialize out of thin air."

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By working together throughout the country, members have accomplished so much.

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America Will Succeed When Unions Succeed

The message is loud and clear!

Read more on the AFSCME 2014 Convention by clicking on the article below:

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Officers Heading to Albany

BENTE President Dan DiClemente and seven union officers...

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Pennsylvania Governor Targets Workers' Right to Unionize

Pennsylvania Workers Stand Together to Protect Right to Unionize. To read more from article click on link below:

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