BENTE President Dan DiClemente and seven union officers are heading to Albany on Monday to attend AFSCME Lobby Day and will be meeting with Assembly Members and Senators from the Rochester delegation. On Tuesday, New York State Senator Jeff Klein, Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and International President Lee Saunders will speak to thousands of AFSCME Members from throughout the State. DiClemente will also attend the leadership meetings scheduled with the leaders of the five New York State Councils, speakers from the Assembly and the Senate, and AFSCME International President Lee Saunders. The BENTE Union delegation has scheduled appointments with Senator Joe Robach, Senator Ted O'Brien, Assemblyman Joe Morelle, Assemblyman Mark Johns, and Assemblyman David Gantt. They will be pushing for more funding for education in an effort to close the budget gap facing the RCSD, which could negatively impact BENTE members and their children who attend city schools.
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