President Dan DiClemente's Communication about Superintendent Dade's November 12, 2019 Presentation on the Current Budget Crisis

President Dan DiClemente's Communication about Superintendent Dade's November 12, 2019 Presentation on the Current Budget Crisis
November 13, 2019

On Tuesday evening, Superintendent Dade presented his findings on the budget to the Board of Education’s Audit Committee.  Below is a summary of the presentation and the briefing that was provided to the unions earlier in the day:

Superintendent Dade stated that the 30 million dollar deficit is actually worse due to the fact that the 2019-2020 budget followed the same flawed pattern of under budgeting as the 2018-2019 budget. The budget deficit is actually closer to 64.8 million dollars
Superintendent Dade will utilize his authority to implement some cost saving measures that do not require approval from the Board of Education
The measures implemented by Superintendent Dade do not add up to the monies needed to close the budget deficit
The savings from a projected number of vacancies for the 2019-2020 school year were counted as revenue and the District also under budgeted substitute costs. This means that existing vacancies will not assist in closing the deficit
Superintendent Dade’s presentation last night showed that in order to close the remainder of the deficit, layoffs are inevitable. Much to our surprise, we were informed that these cuts would be effective as of January 1 
The Board of Education authorized Superintendent Dade to move ahead with a list of reductions that would total 5% across the bargaining units. For BENTE, they are projecting cuts that total $1,332,920 (an estimated 63 positions)
Even with a 5% reduction in the workforce, the RCSD would need to obtain money from other sources, namely New York State, to get out of the deficit 
President Van White stated that position cuts would need to be voted on by the Board of Education. A couple of the Board Members expressed that the cuts to administration were equitable, but not equal 
The budget was reviewed by our AFSCME Research Department, which concluded that the deficit is genuine and must be addressed. Superintendent Dade has implemented some of our suggestions to help fill the gap.

There has not been a list of cuts to positions submitted to any union. We have no idea at this time where to expect cuts. Once a list is submitted to our Union, I will communicate with those who will be affected.

As a person who was laid off in the past, I know how difficult this can be. We will do everything we can to fight for the people who had nothing to do with putting the District into this predicament.

In Solidarity,

 Daniel DiClemente, President


 “The Support Staff that Supports Students”

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