Budget and Other Updates from President DiClemente (4-14-2020)

Budget and Other Updates from President DiClemente (4-14-2020)
April 14, 2020

Sisters and Brothers, please take note of the following updates:

BUDGET: As previously reported, the District’s $61 million deficit has now increased to $87 million due to the projected loss in revenue caused by COVID-19. Last week, I e-mailed you the ideas brought forward by Members of the Board of Education to fill the increased gap. Tonight, Superintendent Dade put forth his own plan to deal with the deficit.

The plan focuses on the closing of School #20, the closing of School #43 (which would be used as swing space) and the restructuring of School #3, which would be converted to a middle school (7th and 8th grade students).

Overall, this will not have the type of impact on our workers that the other bargaining units are experiencing. However, to staff at the schools affected, it is personal, and I am sure this is difficult news for all of you. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, as I will be meeting tomorrow morning with HCI and Labor Relations to discuss the impact on our members at these locations.

Superintendent Dade’s Proposed 2020-2021 Budget includes:

ASAR                    39 reductions

BENTE                 10 additions

RAP                       22 reductions

RTA                     280 reductions

SEG                         5 reductions

BEG                         1 reduction

All Other Staff         4 reductions

The increase in BENTE positions are largely as a result of School Safety Officers being added in lieu of School Resource Officers.

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The BENTE Union Executive Board will resume its monthly meetings tomorrow evening, but will do so virtually through Zoom. Membership meetings are not feasible at this time, but we are addressing all member issues on a daily basis. If you have an issue, please reach out to the union office (458-8670) or e-mail me directly at dan@bentelocal2419.org.

BENTE EVENTS: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the BENTE Bash has been canceled this year. The Rochester Labor Council is still in discussions on whether or not the Labor Day Parade will be canceled in September, but no decision has been made at this time.

Stay safe.

In Solidarity,

Daniel DiClemente, President


“The Support Staff that Supports Students”

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