Watch the speeches BENTE Officers made at the 12/19/2024 BOE Meeting!

Watch the speeches BENTE Officers made at the 12/19/2024 BOE Meeting!
January 9, 2025

First, BENTE members had to wait months for their raises, which were approved when the Rochester Board of Education approved our new contract on August 22, 2024.  When we finally received our raises in our Nov.15 pay check, we then had to wait even longer for our retro pay.  With no timeline in sight, President Palmerini decided it was time to bring our issue to the Board of Education meeting.  Our members rallied on Dec. 19, 2024, supporting President Palmerini, Vice President Rinebold, and Secretary-Treasurer Kuhn, who each spoke to the Board of Education about the important work BENTE members perform and the lack of respect we are seeing from Human Capital.

Below is a link to the Board of Education meeting.  We encourage all members to view the speeches from the officers.  The video is cued to begin when President Palmerini speaks at minute 22.  Secretary-Treasurer Kuhn speaks right after him, at minute 25, and Vice President Rinebold closes the segment with her remarks at minute 28.

Dec 19, 2024, RCSD Board of Education Meeting, BENTE Officer Remarks

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